Sunday, May 31, 2009

It's gonna take time

I woke up today with a positive feeling. It was my first real Sunday off since Hebrew School ended and I had the chance to sleep in and take it easy. Around 10:30 I sat outside on the front porch to drink my coffee and watch the world turn round. As I spied on the morning joggers, kids riding bikes and dogs being walked, I felt this feeling of good fall upon my shoulders.

So many things have been on my mind lately. My thoughts are racing, electric currents zap from one corner to the other. I seem to be planning my future according to those that I already know of. But I have to stop, I have to create my own life. If I don't like what I see happening, then I can use all the power I have to create what I want. Sometimes I forget that. Most of the time I feel powerless.

My dreams have also been very intense. It began with dreams of actually being in Israel. I was walking down the main street in Tsfat, I was there, experiencing all the same noises and smells.
I dreamt of friend I haven't seen in ages and we spoke of old times and caught up to our current lives.

Maybe we are just breakable, amidst a time of uncertainty and insanity. But if I want something I have to push for it. I need to fight for my dreams, I mustn't forget why I came here.


bonne said...

Insane dreams and mischevious grins.

Mottel said...

Groovy Post!

le7 said...
